Monday, November 26, 2012

Paxatore | Many Characters Wanted!

>> Setting & Information <<

After the Protest of 2056, demanding equal rights for everyone, government fell completely, leaving no one to rule the country. For years, the country was war-torn, with no rules to guide anyone. People were dying all the time, of starvation, murder and suicide. People soon realized how much they missed rules, but there was nothing they could do about it.

The Rising of Baxter, as it is called, in 2098, was when Charlie Baxter II, after a few protests and a lot of great speeches, was elected as President. He renamed the country that used to be the United States of America to Paxatore, saying that their dreadful history would never be repeated. For this to happen, they needed a set list of rules, one that everyone would abide by, or suffer the consequences. With the new government came a lot of changes, including the removal of people's right to vote for the ruler, and the biggest change, the scientific break-through known as Purus Humans.

Purus Humans, are people who have either broken the law severely or have volunteered to be cleansed, or purified. This means that all their memories are wiped, excluding the basics. Their brains are completely rewired to be the perfect servants for other humans, and if you can pay enough, they can be specifically rewired to your particular needs. Purus humans, if there is a lack of criminals or volunteers, are sometimes just innocent people the government steals off the street, though the country of Paxatore has yet to learn this.

It is now 2287AD, and David Baxter, Charles grand-son, now rules Paxatore. This roleplay will be set in the third largest city in Paxatore, which is called Sectates. It is quite big, as you can imagine, which though it means a lot more security is around and a lot more monitored than some others, it also means it is too big for the security to be everywhere, meaning that a few areas will not always be guarded, though people rarely test these boundaries as the guards switch where they are situated every few hours and there are few areas that escape their watch.

>> Plot <<

There won't be one main plot to this roleplay, and this will be a very sandbox type roleplay, with no set way for the plot to go. There will be a starting ground but that is it, and we will see where the plot develops from there. Some of the Purus are starting to become faulty, meaning that they are developing thoughts outside those of their masters wishes, and slowly remembering their past. If this is found out by the government, they will either be purified yet again, or if this doesn't work executed. At the beginning of the roleplay the families will not yet know this, it is up to the players of the Purus to decide whether they will tell anyone.

The Characters Wanted Are As Follows:
-- The Cherren Family --
Father: RESERVED [Could Possibly be NPC, works as security at The Chains.]
Mother: OPEN [Could Possibly be NPC, part-time waitress at a fancy local restaurant called Bia.]
Eldest Brother: OPEN [Aged Nineteen, Male, In a relationship with eldest Everly sister.]
Youngest Sister: OPEN [Aged Sixteen, Female, best friends with eldest Everly brother.]
-- Home -;;- House --
PURUS: The Innocent One

-- The Swefield Family --
Mother: OPEN [Could Possibly be NPC, works as a shopkeeper at CEES&MON.]
Twin One: OPEN [Aged Fourteen, Male, sympathetic towards Purus Humans.]
Twin Two: TAKEN [Aged Fourteen, Female, Worried about Twin One's thoughts on Purus.]
-- Home -;;- Apartment --
PURUS: The Volunteer

-- The Everly Family --
Father: OPEN [Could Possibly be NPC, works as an accountant.]
Eldest Sister: OPEN [Aged Eighteen, Female, In a relationship with eldest Cherren brother.]
Eldest Brother: OPEN [Aged Seventeen, Male, Has a crush on youngest Cherren sister.]
-- Home -;;- House. --
PURUS: The Criminal

The Everly and Swefield family are related, their parents are divorced but the twins live with the mother and older siblings live with the father. They visit often, at least once a week.

All of the Purus have the same room, which look like this.

-- Faulty Purus Humans --
The Criminal: RESERVED [Male, Aged (Above 18), was arrested after trying to start a mob to overthrow the government and stop the purifying of humans, and beating up and eventually killing a guard that attempted to stop him.]

The Innocent One: RESERVED [Female, Aged Fifteen, was taken off the street after a shortage of Purus.]

The Volunteer: TAKEN [Female, Aged Fifteen, volunteered after their mother passed away and was left at home with abusive father, thought of committing suicide but decided to become a Purus instead.]

-- Other Characters --
There are no basics for a character here, but if you wish to create a different character than the ones listed [all characters above except for those saying that they could possibly be NPC's, must be filled unless it is an exceptional character sheet before I shall except one of these] then either PM me or comment in the OOC with your idea, and I will most likely approve, depending. Some possible character ideas could include; Cherren Cousin, Eldest Everly Sister's Best Friend etc.

>> The Role Play <<

The link to the roleplay is here, click it for more information and to create a character. I except semi-literate/literate roleplayers with a minimum of 100 words per post.

Go on, click the link, I know you want to. ^^;;


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